Advanced Gas Chromatography Techniques & Troubleshooting
Period |
23/11/2021 - 27/11/2021 |
Place |
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
Fees |
$4,250.00 |
This course is designed to integrate the various aspects and techniques within the field of separation science. We will cover theory, instrumentation, and practice of modern separation techniques including gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, and electro kinetic separations. We will also discuss sample preparation methods.
The emphasis of the course is on practical, empirical, and applied aspects of the above, with sufficient coverage of theory to provide a thorough understanding of how the methods work and to facilitate method development.
The unifying features of the various separations techniques are, not surprisingly, the fundamental physical parameters governing the separative process - including equilibrium, mass transport, bulk fluid transport, zone formation and perturbation, etc. These unifying features will guide us through the course.